Die Sehnsucht
2020, Video, 10 min
家鄉 ( jiā xiāng ) in Chinese refers to a place where one was born and raised. 家 ( jiā ) means home. 鄉 ( xiāng ) means territory. So that means 家 鄉 ( jiā xiāng ) is the place where you feel at home. I was born in Taiwan. In 2017, I moved to Germany. Everyone always just thinks that Taiwan is my 家鄉 ( jiā xiāng ). But when people ask me about Taiwan in Germany, I notice that I have a weak connection with the place. For this reason, I started a project about my 家鄉 ( jiā xiāng ). After four months in Taiwan, many sad memories came up. Through this, I understood that if I want to delve deeper into the subject, I must first face myself and the past. The first step of my master thesis about the topic 家鄉 ( jiā xiāng ) is a performance video in my own room in Berlin. To belong to a 家鄉.